Winter Books to Celebrate the Season

Happy New Years friends! Its been a restful end to our 2022 with lots of family time. It was certainly chilly but far from a white Christmas which is always slightly devastating to this California girl. But I took advantage of a quiet New Year’s Day to get some organizing done. Matt was at a Patriots Game with some buddies and the kids were glued to the screen expecting to see their dad at any moment which left me and precocious 3 year old time to update the playroom bookshelves with winter books to celebrate the season.


Reading to my babies has always been my favorite. Back all those years ago, I could barely wait for Cade to stop eating books. Now they’re all at the age where reading time with mom is fun. So whether you head to the library to pick up some of these winter favorites, add them to your Amazon order or better yet, head to your local bookstore, these are some winter books to celebrate the season. We have two 48″ Holman Floating Ledges in white with this 3D Paper Snowflake Garland.


| A Thing Called Snow | So Much Snow | Over and Under the Snow | The Giving Snowman | Goodbye Autumn, Hello Winter | Winter Sleep | Bright Winter Night | The Lights that Dance in the Night | The Snowflake | Snowscape | The Tea Party in the Woods | The Snowman | The Snowy Day | Snow Globe Wishes | A Blessing for Winter’s Child | Snow | So Much Snow |


I can’t recommend A Blessing for Winter’s Child enough! A new-to-us book series, it’s a delightful read with beautiful illustrations. And it turns out there’s one for each season–summer, spring & fall. I already have the fall one in my cart for Kai.

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