Some Favorite Books for Fall

Oh fall. You had me at apple pie. Or pumpkin anything. Here in New England this season tends to cozy up in people’s hearts and capture the awe. There’s nothing like crisp leaves, colored scenery and apple orchards. Inside it’s the season of cozying up and book reading with the littles. So here are some favorite books for fall, kiddo-edition captured beautifully by Ruth Eileen Photography.


This book nook has been probably one of my favorite additions to our playroom. These ledges from PotteryBarn allow us to display some favorites and the vintage crates store the majority. They have certainly gotten their use over the years. You can see it decked out for Valentine’s Day here. We bought two vintage beverage crates on Etsy that were relatively the same size and looked similar (this takes a lot of searching!) and then we added wheels to the crates.

They store a ton of books and look beautiful in the process. Just make sure when purchasing a vintage crate that you analyze the pictures for possible dangers–broken metal strapping, splintered wood, etc. If these are going to be utilized by kiddos, pay close attention to what you buy. I think we lightly sanded the top rim and ran our hands all over to make sure no metal edging was sharp.

I always have some kind of garland on the shelves, currently wood acorns glued to twine, and decorate them by season, rotating books upstairs into storage when they aren’t appropriate for the season. Who wants to be reading Christmas books in June? My kids it turns out. So I hide them. Recently I got out our fall books and we’re doing a lot of cozying up on the couch to read some new finds and old favorites.

| 1. The 100 Year Barn | 2. Home | 3. Sweep | 4. Fletcher and the Falling Leaves | 5. Yum Yummy Yuck | 6. Strictly No Elephants | 7. Hello Harvest Moon | 8. Because of an Acorn | 9. Goodbye Summer Hello Autumn | 10. Apple Cake | 11. The Roll-Away Pumpkin | 12. Fall Leaves | 13. Hungry Bunny | 14. Leaves |


Some of these books are not necessarily about fall but look beautiful on a fall shelf. For example, Strictly No Elephants isn’t necessarily about fall but it takes place in fall and is a beautiful book, both in what is tells and how it is illustrated. I’d love to know some of your favorite fall books for kids!


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